
Wallyford Learning Campus, Rosehill High School

ESF supplied this Scottish school with a wide range of seating options

Wallyford Learning Campus, Rosehill High School - Environmental Street Furniture


Environmental Street Furniture are proud to have supplied this secondary school, located in Scotland, with a stylish range of outdoor furniture.

The comprehensive assortment of seating and table options provided by Environmental Street Furniture has significantly enriched the learning environment at Wallyford Learning Campus, Rosehill High School πŸ«

The inclusion of the Blocq Bench, Blocq Seat, and Blocq Stool not only ensures diverse and flexible seating arrangements but also adds a contemporary touch to the campus's outdoor spaces, promoting a modern and functional atmosphere for students and staff πŸͺ‘

Furthermore, the integration of the Radium Seat and Radium Bench, alongside the Emau Seat and Landscape Compact Curved Seat, caters to various preferences, ensuring comfortable and inviting seating solutions for individuals and groups alike, fostering a collaborative and inclusive educational setting πŸŽ’

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