Manual Raise Arm Barriers are a low maintenance, cost effective way of manually controlling access to unauthorised areas.

Manual Barriers - Environmental Street Furniture


Manual Raise Arm Barriers are a low maintenance, cost effective way of manually controlling access to unauthorised areas. We offer them in spans of up to 9 meters. They are a very easy product to use and have many features as standard designed to assist the operator. Typically used in commercial applications the manual barriers are very popular.

The PF5000S Standard Manual Raise Arm Barrier

A low maintenance, cost effective way of manually controlling access to unauthorised areas.

The PF5000S barrier spans an area of up to 7.0 metres.

The pivot assembly is made of steel box section, the zinc plated shaft pivots on two heavy-duty stainless steel bearing blocks.

The design of the PF5000S incorporates a locking mechanism, allowing you to fix the barrier in the raised or lowered position prior to applying the padlock. A counter balanced fish tail weight, is fine tuned for ease of operation.

The PF5000S comes complete with a lockable end rest, padlock and keys.

Aluminium arm, finished in either alternate red and white or alternate yellow and black vinyl hatching as standard (other colours available).

Standard colours: Red/white or yellow/black.

The PF5000HD Heavy Duty Raise Arm Barrier

Spans an area of up to 9.0 metres. The pivot assembly is made of steel box section, this pivots on two heavy duty stainless steel bearing blocks.

Aluminium arm, finished in either alternate red and white or alternate yellow and black vinyl hatching as standard (other colours available).

The design of the PF5000HD also comes with a locking mechanism allowing you to fix the barrier in the raised and lowered position prior to applying the padlock.

A counter balanced fish tail weight, is fine tuned for ease of operation. Dual barriers are available with a central locking mechanism to suit wider spans.

The PF5000HD comes complete with a lockable end rest, padlock and keys.

Standard colours: Red/white or yellow/black.

The PF5000AS

Comes complete with a lockable end rest, padlock and keys.

Aluminium arm, finished in either alternate red and white or alternate yellow and black vinyl hatching as standard (other colours available).

Standard colours: Red/white or yellow/black.

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